Unilateral termination of a distance purchase contract

Customers have the right to terminate the Contract within 14 days of taking over the goods without giving a reason, in accordance with the following provisions, where the customer is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes that are predominantly neither commercial nor self-employed:
In order to exercise the right to unilateral termination of the Contract, it is necessary to inform the Seller by e-mail about the decision on unilateral termination of the Contract before the expiration of the deadline with the completed information:

– Name and surname of the customer
– Customer address
– Order No.
– Invoice number and date
– Current account number (IBAN number)

The notice can be sent by mail or e-mail to info@kemoton.si
In the event of unilateral termination of the Contract, the Seller will refund, without delay, and no later than 14 days from the date we received your decision to unilaterally terminate the contract.
In order to exercise your right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement, you must notify us (KEMOTON GRUPA Ltd. Pretoki 1a, 10380 Sveti Ivan Zelina, Croatia E-mail: info@kemoton.si) with a clear statement (e.g. by letter or e-mail) of your decision to withdraw from this Agreement.
In order to meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient to send a notice of exercising the right to cancel before the expiration of the cancellation period.
The refund will be made to IBAN, the customer’s current account.
Refunds can only be made after the goods have been returned to the Seller.
The goods must be returned or handed over to the Seller without undue delay, undamaged and in the original packaging, and in any case no later than 14 days from the date of the decision to unilaterally terminate the Contract.